Problem 8: Laserphones [Rob Kolstad, 2008]
The cows have a new laser-based system so they can have casual
conversations while out in the pasture which is modeled as a W x H
grid of points (1 <= W <= 100; 1 <= H <= 100).
The system requires a sort of line-of-sight connectivity in order
to sustain communication. The pasture, of course, has rocks and
trees that disrupt the communication but the cows have purchased
diagonal mirrors ('/' and '\' below) that deflect the laser beam
through a 90 degree turn. Below is a map that illustrates the
H is 8 and W is 7 for this map. The two communicating cows are
notated as 'C's; rocks and other blocking elements are notated as
7 . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . .
6 . . . . . . C 6 . . . . . /-C
5 . . . . . . * 5 . . . . . | *
4 * * * * * . * 4 * * * * * | *
3 . . . . * . . 3 . . . . * | .
2 . . . . * . . 2 . . . . * | .
1 . C . . * . . 1 . C . . * | .
0 . . . . . . . 0 . \-------/ .
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Determine the minimum number of mirrors M that must be installed
to maintain laser communication between the two cows, a feat which
is always possible in the given test data.
* Line 1: Two space separated integers: W and H
* Lines 2..H+1: The entire pasture.
SAMPLE INPUT (file lphone.in):
7 8
* Line 1: A single integer: M
SAMPLE OUTPUT (file lphone.out):
和USACO Oct07 obstacle一模一樣啊,就是求最少轉幾次彎,方法是記憶化搜索或動態規劃。詳細的我就不寫了,直接看USACO Oct07 obstacle吧。
2.Windows 7的寫字板是個好東西,把樣例粘貼進去就有效果了(微軟雅黑字體不行哦)
C++语言: Codee#25462
001 /*
002 *Problem: USACO Jan09 Silver Laserphones
003 *Author: Yee-fan Zhu
004 *Method: BFS/DP
005 *GTalk: zyfworks@gmail.com
006 */
007 #include <cstdio>
008 #include <cstdlib>
009 #include <queue>
010 using namespace std;
011 const int MAXN=102;
012 class COW
013 {
014 public:
015 int x,y;
016 }C[3];
017 int CTop=0;
018 int Map[MAXN][MAXN];
019 int F[MAXN][MAXN][5];
021 int N,M;
023 void init()
024 {
025 scanf("%d %d\n",&N,&M);
026 char c;
027 for(int i=1;i<=M;i++)
028 {
029 for(int j=1;j<=N;j++)
030 {
031 for(int k=1;k<=4;k++)
032 F[i][j][k]=1000000;
033 scanf("%c",&c);
034 if(c=='.')
035 {
036 Map[i][j]=1;
037 continue;
038 }
039 if(c=='*')
040 {
041 Map[i][j]=0;
042 continue;
043 }
044 CTop++;
045 C[CTop].x=i;
046 C[CTop].y=j;
047 Map[i][j]=1;
048 }
049 scanf("%c\n",&c);
050 }
051 }
053 class QUEUE
054 {
055 public:
056 int x,y,d;
057 };
058 queue<QUEUE>Q;
059 const int step[5][2]={{0,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{1,0},{0,-1}};
061 void bfs()
062 {
063 QUEUE tmp,nxt;
064 int tx,ty,td,tf;
065 int nx,ny,nf;
067 for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
068 {
069 F[C[1].x][C[1].y][i]=0;
070 tmp.x=C[1].x;
071 tmp.y=C[1].y;
072 tmp.d=i;
073 Q.push(tmp);
074 }
075 while(!Q.empty())
076 {
077 tmp=Q.front();
078 Q.pop();
079 tx=tmp.x;
080 ty=tmp.y;
081 td=tmp.d;
082 tf=F[tx][ty][td];
083 for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
084 {
085 if(td+2==i || td-2==i)
086 continue;
087 nx=tx+step[i][0];
088 ny=ty+step[i][1];
089 if(nx<1 || nx>M || ny<1 || ny>N)
090 continue;
091 if(Map[nx][ny]==0)
092 continue;
093 if(td!=i)
094 nf=tf+1;
095 if(td==i)
096 nf=tf;
097 if(F[nx][ny][i]<=nf)
098 continue;
099 F[nx][ny][i]=nf;
100 nxt.x=nx;
101 nxt.y=ny;
102 nxt.d=i;
103 Q.push(nxt);
104 }
105 }
107 int Min=100000;
108 for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
109 {
110 if(Min>F[C[2].x][C[2].y][i])
111 Min=F[C[2].x][C[2].y][i];
112 }
113 printf("%d\n",Min);
114 }
116 int main()
117 {
118 freopen("lphone.in","r",stdin);
119 freopen("lphone.out","w",stdout);
120 init();
121 bfs();
122 return 0;
123 }
002 *Problem: USACO Jan09 Silver Laserphones
003 *Author: Yee-fan Zhu
004 *Method: BFS/DP
005 *GTalk: zyfworks@gmail.com
006 */
007 #include <cstdio>
008 #include <cstdlib>
009 #include <queue>
010 using namespace std;
011 const int MAXN=102;
012 class COW
013 {
014 public:
015 int x,y;
016 }C[3];
017 int CTop=0;
018 int Map[MAXN][MAXN];
019 int F[MAXN][MAXN][5];
021 int N,M;
023 void init()
024 {
025 scanf("%d %d\n",&N,&M);
026 char c;
027 for(int i=1;i<=M;i++)
028 {
029 for(int j=1;j<=N;j++)
030 {
031 for(int k=1;k<=4;k++)
032 F[i][j][k]=1000000;
033 scanf("%c",&c);
034 if(c=='.')
035 {
036 Map[i][j]=1;
037 continue;
038 }
039 if(c=='*')
040 {
041 Map[i][j]=0;
042 continue;
043 }
044 CTop++;
045 C[CTop].x=i;
046 C[CTop].y=j;
047 Map[i][j]=1;
048 }
049 scanf("%c\n",&c);
050 }
051 }
053 class QUEUE
054 {
055 public:
056 int x,y,d;
057 };
058 queue<QUEUE>Q;
059 const int step[5][2]={{0,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{1,0},{0,-1}};
061 void bfs()
062 {
063 QUEUE tmp,nxt;
064 int tx,ty,td,tf;
065 int nx,ny,nf;
067 for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
068 {
069 F[C[1].x][C[1].y][i]=0;
070 tmp.x=C[1].x;
071 tmp.y=C[1].y;
072 tmp.d=i;
073 Q.push(tmp);
074 }
075 while(!Q.empty())
076 {
077 tmp=Q.front();
078 Q.pop();
079 tx=tmp.x;
080 ty=tmp.y;
081 td=tmp.d;
082 tf=F[tx][ty][td];
083 for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
084 {
085 if(td+2==i || td-2==i)
086 continue;
087 nx=tx+step[i][0];
088 ny=ty+step[i][1];
089 if(nx<1 || nx>M || ny<1 || ny>N)
090 continue;
091 if(Map[nx][ny]==0)
092 continue;
093 if(td!=i)
094 nf=tf+1;
095 if(td==i)
096 nf=tf;
097 if(F[nx][ny][i]<=nf)
098 continue;
099 F[nx][ny][i]=nf;
100 nxt.x=nx;
101 nxt.y=ny;
102 nxt.d=i;
103 Q.push(nxt);
104 }
105 }
107 int Min=100000;
108 for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
109 {
110 if(Min>F[C[2].x][C[2].y][i])
111 Min=F[C[2].x][C[2].y][i];
112 }
113 printf("%d\n",Min);
114 }
116 int main()
117 {
118 freopen("lphone.in","r",stdin);
119 freopen("lphone.out","w",stdout);
120 init();
121 bfs();
122 return 0;
123 }